COPIA Fitness Slideshow

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Saturday 13 March 2010

Carbohydrates - Before or After Exercise?

A friend recently asked me when should carbohydrates be eaten, before or after exercise? The answer is both!

Carbohydrates, when ingested, is broken down to either glucose or glycogen. The body uses glucose to perform activity. Carbohydrates that are not used immediately for energy is stored in the body, specifically in the liver and muscles, as glycogen.

Glycogen can only be stored in limited amounts. Consuming enough carbohydrates before exercise is important, so the body has fuel to exercise. But consuming carbohydrates after exercise is just as important to replace lost energy and to replenish glycogen stores.

If you exercise in the evening, it is better to consume carbohydrates throughout the day and before you exercise.

If you ever feel weak, dizzy, or have the shakes after exercise, one reason is due to a drop in your blood glucose levels. So if you exercise late at night, sometimes a small bite to eat afterwards can help. I recommend fruit or toast.

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