COPIA Fitness Slideshow

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Did you know...
  • Heart disease kills more men but cancer is the top killer of women
  • Rates of death from heart and circulatory disease are highest for men but rates of death from cancer are highest among women, with Scotland suffering the highest rate of casualties in the four home countries
  • Heart and circulatory disease is responsible for 231 deaths per 100,000 males in the UK but Scots suffer a higher rate of 267 per 100,000
  • Cancers are the largest cause of death for women, responsible for 159 deaths per 100,000 population, and there are more deaths from cancer among females in Scotland than in any other UK country at 181 deaths per 100,000
Source: United Kingdom Office for National Statistics – Health 2010/2011

  • Natural by-products of normal cell processes.
  • Produced by the metabolism, and from toxic agents from the environment such as smoking and pollution
  • Highly reactive molecules that wreak havoc in the human body
  • Cause disorder and damage to healthy body cells
  • In humans, the most common form of free radicals is oxygen. When an oxygen molecule (O2) becomes electrically charged or “radicalized” it tries to steal electrons from other molecules, causing damage to the DNA and other molecules.


  • An antioxidant is a molecule capable of delaying or preventing free radicals from forming and damaging healthy cells
  • Antioxidants eliminate free radicals.
  • Antioxidants protect our cells from premature aging and chronic illnesses.
  • Scientific research has praised and recognised the importance of
  • Antioxidants in maintaining overall health

  • Antioxidants neutralize free radicals
  • Exposure to various environmental factors, including tobacco smoke and radiation, can also lead to free radical formation.
  • Over time, such damage may become irreversible and lead to disease including cancer.
  • Antioxidants are often described as “mopping up” free radicals, meaning they neutralize the electrical charge and prevent the free radical from taking electrons from other molecules.


Nutritional supplement made of 5 super fruits including:

Acai berry

60ml 1 to 3 times per day is all you need!

Le Vive can help:
  • Maintain healthy skin and hair
  • Increase your energy level
  • Look good and feel young
  • Prevent cataracts
  • Maintain healthy blood pressure
  • Fight against cancer
  • Lower cholesterol and helps prevent cardiovascular disease
  • The digestive system, prevents gastritis, reflux, and ulcers
  • Memory function
  • Maintain joints flexible and healthy
  • Prevents respiratory ailments such as: Tuberculosis, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma.
  • Protects children’s health
  • Maintains general health and well being

Eating a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants can have a positive impact on health. Regular exercise in combined with good nutrition will achieve long term health . There is NO short-term solution for long- term health. Consuming nourishing supplements high in antioxidants can help combat the harmful effects of contamination in the body.To purchase a bottle of Le Vive, please contact me on