COPIA Fitness Slideshow

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Sunday, 20 November 2011


Click on the title and check out the Boxercise instructors and a Boxercise style class! See you Monday night!

Saturday, 5 November 2011

COPIA Fitness Group Exercise Classes

With the final downhill run towards Christmas, you've got one more chance to get that body into shape to look your best for all those Christmas and New Year parties! So check out the following fitness classes and get yourself along to one of them!

Monday evenings 7pm to 8pm
East Dulwich Community Centre, Darrell Road, East Dulwich
Casual pay as you go option for £8 per session.

Thursday morning Zumba
Constitutional Club on East Dulwich Grove (towards Lordship Lane end of East Dulwich Grove). Entrance via the side of the building
9.30am to 10.30am
£8 casual rate

Tuesday evening Zumba
St Hilda's Parish Church Crofton Park
Large hall- behind the Church, entrance via Coutrai Road
8.30pm to 9.30pm
Casual pay as you go option £8 per session.

There is a new Saturday morning 9.15am Zumba class due to begin in January at 165 Bellenden Road (Borough of Southwark near East Dulwich).  It will be a 6 week course which must be booked in advance. To book your place or register your interest, please contact me.

Please contact me on 077 381 78 115 if you have any questions, or email